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During my time as a criminal and traffic defense attorney, I have received a number of letters and thank you cards from clients who were extremely happy with the results I achieved in their cases. I mention this not to boast but to emphasize that I care about my clients, I work hard to achieve good results in their cases and I appreciate very much their business and referrals. The following are a few of the notes I have received from my clients over the years.

  • Dear Mr. Whitehead:

    I enjoyed meeting you last Thursday in Petersburg and want you to know how much I appreciate your handling my case. I received your letter this weekend that announces your new law office location and I must say that after reading it I realized I had the right lawyer on my side.I truly hope that I never have to go through anything like that again but if I do you can rest assured that I will be calling upon you to represent me.

    After returning from Petersburg I enrolled in an online traffic school program that evening and now I am enclosing a copy of the certificate that shows my completion of the program. I am mailing the original to the Court in Petersburg at the same time I am mailing this letter to you.

    Again, thank you for working with me and if I hear of anyone needing a lawyer for a traffic violation or injury received from an accident I will be more than happy to recommend you.

    I hope you and your family have a happy holiday season. Sincerely,
    Larry Edmunds

  • Dear Mr. Whitehead,

    Thank you for your time and attention given to my case. Your firm was the only one that sent information for representation. It made it easier to deal with since I’ve never done something like this before. I am more aware of actions after this.

    Thank you kindly,
    Bryant King

  • Hello Gentlemen,

    I wanted to send this note of thanks to your firm, and in particular, to Mr. Whitehead.

    The “Legal Experience” for me has been a real life roller coaster. In that, I am not an experienced criminal, every stage of the process has been a new experience for me. Probably, the worst of my life experiences to date. Fortunately for me and for my family Mr. Whitehead, through his complete dedication, professionalism and expertise salvaged a new future for us. Mr. Whitehead is truly a champion in the literal definition of the word; a person who fights for another or for a cause; defender; protector; excelling over all others. I am forever grateful. Now, in better understanding our Legal System, I see that there are men and woman in all the peripheries whose worth is measured by their efforts, by their dedication and by their knowledge. There are unclear intentions and unclear agendas. Unfortunately, I learned all of this the hard way. Mr. Whitehead, through his actions and results his at the top of his field. With the highest respect and admiration I thank you.

    The only reciprocation I can think of at the moment is to guarantee that if I know of anyone in the future requiring legal advice and representation they will surely be sent to your firm. Without hesitation or reservation and with the utmost enthusiasm!

    With most Sincerity,

  • Mr. Whitehead,

    Please accept our sincere gratitude for your help with the recent court case of our son Christopher. Your attention to our inquiries, your willingness to listen, and your experience were all instrumental in getting us through a difficult period. We sensed a genuine concern for the well being of our son. If you ever need a recommendation or testimonial from us, please be assured that we would be prepared to offer it.

    Ron & Damalia Sullivan

  • You are a Saint, you are wonderful!  Great Job!

    Curtis W.

  • Mr. Whitehead,

    I just wanted to thank you for representing me yesterday. I was very pleased with the wonderful job that you did.

    Frank Sloan

  • Dear Mr. Whitehead,

    Thank you for taking my case on such short notice. I am very appreciative of the result you obtained for me. I look forward to meeting you someday and shaking your hand!

    Brooke Drumheller

  • Dear Claude,

    Thank you so much for all your hard work and concern for Melanie.

    You will be pleased to know that Melanie said she was in a bit of “denial” when she asked about the house arrest program and said she’s accepted the fact that she needs to be responsible for the wrong she’s done and she is going to make the best of it. However, she is particularly happy to be serving house arrest rather than a prison or jail sentence. We know the Lord has a plan for her.

    Once again thank you. God’s blessing to you and your family.

    Diane and Mac

  • Claude,

    Thanks alot! You do not know how much I appreciate you and your business.

    Wendy and Jibri Jones

  • Thanks so much for your work and the good news this morning.  I greatly appreciate your work, 10 million thanks upon 10 million thanks.  You made my day!

    Jerry E.

  • Dear Claude,

    Thank you so much for all your hard work and concern for Melanie. You will be pleased to know that Melanie said she was in a bit of denial when she asked about the house arrest program and said she’s accepted the fact that she needs to be responsible for the wrong she’s done and she’s going to make the best of it. She wants to start a Bible Study and an aerobics class, if possible. We know the Lord has a plan for her. Once again, thank you. God’s blessings to you and your family.

    Diane & Mac McClintock

  • Mr. Whitehead,

    In deed the case went well. Thank you very much. I look forward to making referrals to you.

    Richard Haskell

  • Thanks for the great job you did for me yesterday with the Reckless Driving case!  You sure did make my day.  You did way better than I ever expected.  Super job and thanks so much!

    Bob B.

  • Dear Claude,

    Your legal counsel on Monday in Galax was outstanding! Todd and I sincerely thank you.

    Ms. Fenyes

  • Thanks so much from the bottom of our hearts for what you did for our daughter.  Thank you so much, we deeply appreciate it!  We understood the magnitude of her case and thus we are eternally grateful to you for helping her.

    Don P.

  • Dear Claude,

    Many thanks to you for all you did for my court case. I absolutely believe I had the best outcome, and its definitely a result of your hard work. I feel very confident in referring others to you in the future, although I hope I don’t have to do so!

    Take care and Best Wishes,

  • Dear Claude,

    Thank you for your professional and skillful help in court. Let me know if I can ever return the favor.

    Pryor Baird

  • Dear Mr. Whitehead,

    I received your letter today in reference to my court case. I just wanted to thank you for your help and your quick response with the results of the case. I am very pleased with the results and have followed up on your requests that I complete a driver improvement course. I completed the course and have already mailed the original with the $30 to the court.

    Thank you again,
    Jeanne Hum

  • Dear Claude,

    Just wanted to say thank you again for all your help and your patience. You are a wonderful attorney and a kind and caring person. I hope I won’t need your assistance in the future, but if I do I hope I can call you, at least for a referral. Again, thanks for all you did.

    Warmest regards,
    Patty Smith

  • Mr. Whitehead,

    Thanks for your help with my legal matter. I greatly appreciate everything you have done. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Thank you,
    Kevin Kelly

  • Dear Claude,

    Thanks for your efforts on my behalf. The best to you!

    Albert T. Washington

  • Mr. Whitehead,

    Thank you so much for coming to court with me. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule.

    Gena Trask

  • Mr. Whitehead:

    I just wanted to drop you a line expressing my sincere appreciation for all the work you did concerning my case. Thanks to your efforts, my life as not been turned upside down like it easily could have been due to my actions.

    Its awsome to know that there are attorneys who don’t ever give up and will always try the art of persuasion when the need arises. From the moment I met you this morning I believed that if anyone could produce a favorable result it was you. Thanks again and take care.

    E. L. Pugh II

  • Mr. Whitehead,

    Everything worked out just fine at D.M.V. and at court. I deeply appreciate your help.

    Jonathan Winfree